Tacoma WA

oh you mean this?


It was better subtle.

herr_prof wrote:

It was better subtle.

Savannah, Georgia
xombiexplox wrote:
herr_prof wrote:

It was better subtle.

Tacoma WA

it was better as my facebook pic since it really annoyed my wife


Enjoy your EuroCRACK wink


im bumping this to see if you got the arturia in the end ? and how it performs....i have some money to spend on some hardware finally.....but im struggling to make a decision. I really could do with a synth, but also am tempted with the OP-1 because it looks mad fun and makes some dope sounds for sure.....but hten the dark energy sounds great too.damn the more i look around to make a decision the more i cant decide haha, so yeah reports on the minibrute yo ?


I did end up preordering the Minibrute, but they have pushed the release back a couple of times to work on quality control.  They are expecting it sometime at the end of the month, or so I was told.  I'll let you know when I've tried it out.  I'm really excited to try it!


nice! thanks


This baby finally arrived!  It's been a lot of fun twisting knobs and discovering what it's capable of.  The oscillator mixer is awesome.  You can add as much or as little of each type of wave.  You've got a sawtooth, square, triangle, a sub-oscillator, noise, and an audio in fader.  Each of these have their own parameters that can be changed.  The sub oscillator really beefs up the mix.  You can choose whether it is a square or sine wave and whether it plays a note 1 or 2 octaves less than the octave you have the keyboard set to.

It doesn't have a sine wave available in the oscillator mixer, but I suppose you could play a sine from something else into the audio in fader and mix that in.  There are a lot of other parameters that can be changed.  You also get an LFO, and an arpeggiator.  Together with the filter, there are an incredible amount of sounds you can create.  I should add, it comes with preset cards that fit over the knobs and faders.  They give you 10 of their own preset sounds and there are 5 blank cards which you can write on with dry erase marker and recall your own presets.  It's a great synth. 

I don't know what else to add without going on and on, so maybe if anyone has any questions I can answer those specifically rather than try to recreate the manual on here.  If your question is, "should I get one?"  I would say yes, you should.


werd,thanks for letting us know.have fun man !!! post some audio sometime yo


Anyone else get one of these?  Would anyone be interested in me changing this to a thread to post patches for the Minibrute?  I've discovered a few cool ones.

San Francisco

I Just picked up one of these off of ebay for a good price (saved $100 Bucks WWWWWOOOOO!!!). I am really liking the thing. I have been geeking out over the oscillators. As much as I love modular synths I was drawn to this fixed synth hardcore. I can say honestly that this synth is the first one i have been genuinely excited about to come out in a few years.

There is a lot of products that just seem mediocre. I would say this is not one of them.

Here is some tests of the oscillators running through a crappy oscilloscope on my computer. Enjoy!

Madison, Alabama

Thanks for the info!  I have a Moog Phatty but I've been really interested in the Minibrute because I like knob-per-function more than I like patch storage.  Sounds like the Minibrute is capable of some interesting, non-moogy tones, which is attractive.

On a side note, did you guys hear Korg is remaking the MS-20? Supposedly a pretty much exact recreation, some of the original designers and engineers on board, except with mini keys and 1/8 jacks on the patch panel. And midi/USB midi. The idea of it gives me a synth-boner.  If it sounds good...

Nottingham, UK

I will buy the new MS 20 if it has the MS 10's advertising campaign.

San Francisco
roboctopus wrote:

Thanks for the info!  I have a Moog Phatty but I've been really interested in the Minibrute because I like knob-per-function more than I like patch storage.  Sounds like the Minibrute is capable of some interesting, non-moogy tones, which is attractive.

On a side note, did you guys hear Korg is remaking the MS-20? Supposedly a pretty much exact recreation, some of the original designers and engineers on board, except with mini keys and 1/8 jacks on the patch panel. And midi/USB midi. The idea of it gives me a synth-boner.  If it sounds good...

I sold a few bits of gear that I didn't use anymore to get the minibrute including my Roland Alpha Juno 2 with it's patch memory. I have to say. I dont miss the patch storage at all. I actually find that more and more of my gear doesn't have patch storage and I am totally ok with that.
Sometimes the fancier/convenient features of modern synths just get in the way of working with the thing. I generally end up not using the memory anyways. I just like to tweek, record, and tweek etc. etc. and have a constantly changing patch. It feels more organic and I dont have to think about technical workflows, menu screens, and assignments.

I did actually hear some rumors about a remake of the ms-20 being discussed during some namm 2013 discussions! I personally would love to see that happen. Especially since I feel that korg hasn't put out any seriously worthy synths in a long time. They focus too much on making things dumbed down for the general populace while making it harder for the more indepth user to get what they want. Korg really needs to just quit beating around the bush and put out a new serious analog product. How many more kaossilators, preset analog modeling, and gimmicky unfocused products can they make before people get bored and start looking for something better sounding and more useful? Its a shame since they made such strong synths like the ms-10 and 20, mono/poly, and the PolySix.
