London, UK

Basically, I know nothing about using guitar pedals at all, however I'm interested in getting a few cheap ones for some Piggy tracker experiments I'm doing.

My question is this - can you use them connected to a (post-fade) aux send on a mixer and get good results, or are they really only designed for direct connection to an instrument? I'm basically interested in stacking up a few reverbs and delays and then tweaking the send levels and effects parameters in real time.

This may be the noobiest question ever asked, but I thought it worth asking anyway!


You should be able to use them on a send, but it will be slightly noisier than using line level gear.


Last edited by herr_prof (Mar 19, 2010 7:21 pm)


yeh i use some cheap zoom guitar fx through my aux send/returns for les adventures sous la mer. they are pretty damn nosey, ive not tried anything better quality though.

lets hope herr prof doesnt correct his spellings.

Tokyo, Japan

If you are looking for decent verb/delay pedals, the RV5 and DD7 from boss are absolutely stellar. A little pricey but oh my you get what you pay for.

Austin, TX

I use a guitar multi-FX through mixer send and I think it works nicely.

London, UK

Thanks for the tips, guys, very helpful!