Looking for diy parts like screen kits and such. Any european shops?
working out euro-based-distro now, hopefully will be very soon
asap, i've just got to get some things gathered together to send (in bulk #s)
its settled whos doing this, i just won't say until they are ready so that they aren't overwhelmed with emails before they even have anything in their hands,
or, if they see this, and want to chime in, they can
yes on the first question, i dunno about the second
the main focus isn't even KB, we'll just be distro'd in Europe (on our more popular items) through them. KB will still ship to Europe of course, just thought this would help out on shipping costs and speed of some items
hopefully more news will be coming soon about this, i've got to get my act together and get this stuff sent
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Last edited by Timbob (Feb 28, 2013 3:14 am)