please, please. im surprised there isnt one. even if someone has/can write some sort of deshitter firefox stuff to make it so you dont have to see posts from people you find ridiculous, that would be great.
Ant1 wrote one a year or so back. … pmusicorg/
That took me all of a minute to search "user ignore".
But I guess this thread was intended to me more antagonistic than pure function.
Last edited by godinpants (Feb 28, 2013 12:04 pm)
Learning to live with people you dont like is an important social skill.
no, its not meant to be antagonistic. but for all the back and forth on this site sometimes, it would be highly useful to have something like this that wasnt a plugin or a deshitter script, most sites have user ignore functions.
and since you want to accuse me of being antagonizing, dickneck, it certainly could have taken you less than a minute to click on the dropbox link and see that it's 404'd. but by all means, continue pointing the finger like most people here do. remember that when you do this, you have at three fingers pointing back at you.
You know, I can totally see how an ignore function would be a useful thing.
Learning to live with people you dont like is an important social skill.
The internet and real life are two different things. But, most people arguably try to keep their circle of friends free of total cunt faces as well, hence why you do not often see people attempting internet troll tactics in real life (except for maybe Trash80).
no, that wastoy. but by all means if you want to turn it into a verbal pissing match when its a valid concern and i already explored that avenue, by all means, make yourselves look more foolish
most people arguably try to keep their circle of friends free of total cunt faces as well
Well if you are at a bar and its full of goons, you find another bar. If You cant block them out or if your circled of vetted heroes cannot over come them then simply move on. Probably the most annoying thing about the internet is the amount of people that are trying to change environments they dont like by sheer will. Its ok for a place you like to become shit, there are always other places to hang out.
this is another thing that happens here quite a ton. and im not even trying to call peter out or anything like that, and its not liek it fully grinds my shit or anything. sometimes i dont read the board for weeks or months at a time if i really get that sick of it. but honestly.. theres far too much unfitting metaphors/analogies on site here to try and keep discussion realistic sometimes, and if people's first inclinations are to make up situations that are totally inapplicable, how is that reasonable discussion? seems like you can find this sentiment in more threads than not here and maybe nearly as much snarky or outright bad 'tudes toward our peers, whether its conscious or not. i understand people have bad days and ive had my share. but seriously, nobodys talking about bars or shows or any kind of irl social caste anything in comparison to why an ignore function here would be useful. more often than not a lot of conversations here devolve to this point rather quickly.
this is the internet. and more specifically, this is a bug/request subforum, and im asking about whether or not we can hope to see a feature like this, and also to inquire if someone might still have this script. and honestly i didnt make this thread to call anybody out or bitch or complain or anything, and im certainly not pissed off at anybody or dying to ignore anybody in specifics posts, or anything along those lines. i also searched this subforum back about 4 pages and didnt see any other threads about it. i am suggesting it because to me, it seems like overall the quality of discussion here has dwindled a bit and maybe that could help.
i'd like a thread ignore for the front page, maybe
dunno how often i'd use it, though
i like most everyone here despite the vibe being needlessly dismissive sometimes!
So this means people wont read my post now lol
i understand where your coming from temp, but unless theres a way of doing it that im not thinking of, i imagine everyone having lists of blocked people and then not understanding whats going on in a thread because they cant see the flow of the conversation. i could be wrong though i guess.
@bitwish - thats called gallows humor. its unbecoming.
Learning to live with people you dont like is an important social skill.
the vibe being needlessly dismissive sometimes!
No it isn't.
Last edited by herr_prof (Mar 1, 2013 3:05 pm)