released on based in detroit big ups to my piko piko fam for staying kewl & creative
written/recorded using a gp2x running LGPT.
stay rad, y'all.
Last edited by barbeque (Mar 2, 2013 11:16 pm) is an online community in respect and relation to chip music, art and its parallels.
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released on based in detroit big ups to my piko piko fam for staying kewl & creative
written/recorded using a gp2x running LGPT.
stay rad, y'all.
Last edited by barbeque (Mar 2, 2013 11:16 pm)
fuck this is sexy
I like holywaterjug. like, a lot.
thanks for checking this out and digging the vibes.
It was quoted, "that brand of barbeque chips was particularly tasty".
raddddddd. like the picture in your bio thing ha
This cassette is the dankest pizza i've ever heard
thank you so sooo much for the kind words, everyone! cassettes of this release will be available at the next pulsewave (march 30th) for trade or purchase.
i am sold out of cassettes! this is now free/pay what you want.
dag, yo. are you ever going to have more made?
and, thanks for the music. it's nice.
Last edited by basspuddle (Apr 20, 2013 1:51 am)
dag, yo. are you ever going to have more made?
and, thanks for the music. it's nice.
ive just come across four cassettes that were hidden/held/not sold. send me a pm if you're interested.