
To keep things short and sweet, the gameboy I recently got has decided to occasionally stop working while playing games. Essentially, I'll just be moving around pallet town, then for a split second it looks like glitch graphics are being displayed, then the screen goes blank until I reset.

This seems like the kind of undocumented strange issue that's people usually say they fix via replacing caps. Before I actually buy them, does anyone else have any other ideas of what this could be?

Santa Cruz, California

Just replace the caps.


Could also be because of corrosion on the battery contacts, or corrosion/loose contact inside the on/off switch. Or even a bad contact inside the external jack, which has an internal switch in order to disconnect the batteries if you're using an AC adapter. Could also have to do with dirty cartridge contacts on the cartridge.


I had that happen by using 4 different batteries. One was a little smaller and kept losing contact.

It can be really simple things sometimes.

matt's mind
Jotie wrote:

It can be really simple things sometimes.


haven't typed that in so long, felt good