I have been using LSDJ for simple songs for about a few months now. I know that some people on YouTube and other sites make songs with Pokemon cries in DAWs. I'm sure people would want to make songs with Pokemon cries in LSDJ or any Game Boy tracker because GB trackers have the old Pokemon feel to it. Is it possible to recreate them in a Game Boy tracker? From playing Pokemon for a very long time the sounds don't seem to have any specific note to them.
peta tries to be a respectable organization and then they go and do things like that.
I had to look it up.
http://m.youtube.com/#/watch?v=ZS9Z2ncR … S9Z2ncRarc
They just sound like random discordant sounds, with pitch bends. Personally I like the metroid cry a little better...
It sounds like it's possible if you understand LSDJ.
Breakphase, do you think if you used glitchy arps mixed with random notes on the noise channel it would sound like one?
Umm.. Well they definitely use more than one channel. But yeah they have noise, and arps. It's really one of those thing to just experiment with. =P
Some are just one channel. Just put C3 in NOI, change the sweep a little (E4, I dunno) and put some Random S-commands in a table or in the phrase screen. Just goof around with it, you'll find some.
I just use samples on the wav channel. (Check it: https://soundcloud.com/letavetatu/disag … ith-myself)
If you wanna be legit about it, getting any exact cries would be hard, but something similar enough to get the listener's attention wouldn't be that tough, especially with higher bpm's.
Last edited by Xuriik (Mar 18, 2013 3:47 am)
just mess around with envelopes and sweeps. everyone else is making it complicated. You have lsdj right? just fuck with the sweeps and shit, you'll be okay. and like saskrotch said, please don't do the cliche pokemon theme
edIt: Ah fuck there's harmonizing too. Fuck you PW2
Last edited by danimal cannon (Mar 18, 2013 4:05 am)
have a second gameboy running the pokemon yrb pokedex :-)
i'm sure it's possible!!!!! but not worth your hassle