***NOTE: The address of the venue will be emailed to you if you're on the mailing list. The venue owner asks that the address isn't made searchable. With that being said, subscribe to our mailing list here for the address and other Pulsewave updates: http://eepurl.com/vWWOz ***
All ages, $10! Open mic @ 8:30
Check out Poutine, the BRAND SPANKIN' NEW Snesei/The One Electronic split: http://pikopikodetroit.bandcamp.com/alb tine-split
In the year 200x, a teenage boy was reading his monthly Nintendo Power when he stumbled across an article about making music with vintage computer and video game systems. The idea intrigued him so much that he began lurking many websites and forums for more information. The year 20xx came even faster and with his new found knowledge he equipped himself with a Gameboy and a usb cartridge. The boy shortly after evolved into Snesei. Now you can catch him playing in many different environments and throwing hadoukens to the sound of saw waves and cute sounding melodies. www.soundcloud.com/snesei , https://www.facebook.com/Snesei
In the year 199x, Nikola was born of two dragons into the age of the SNES. His love of SNES, N64, and Gameboy music would have such a great impact on the child's life that when he came of age, these feelings of love and nostalgia would fuse and give birth to music that has the power to bring out the child in anyone. From classic video game music to modern pop, his Gameboy knows no bounds, and loves to party on the dance floor.
barbeque has two game boys,three eyes, and a gp2x.
utilizing each more effectively than the last, he creates luscious soundscapes and rhythms designed to flush out memories past and bring about visions of the future.
barbeque.bandcamp.com, https://soundcloud.com/barbequechips
: The One Electronic is Kansas City native Michael Vallejo. Using a blend of 8bit hardware, vintage synthesizers, ’80s drum machines, vocals, and modern day software, he creates a unique, untraditional style of chiptune. His focus on strong melodies shows a strong emphasis in being happy, optimistic, and upbeat.
ohhinaifu has been making pixel art since 2010. she hopes to blind you with drips, kitties, and cuteness.