Heads up, pre-order has begun for the physical CD release of 'Active Knowledge', the digital version of which was released on 12/21/2013 as part of the Chipocalypse album release on Geekbeat Radio. CD is $10bux which includes an immediate download of the digital version, and pre-orders knock that down to $8 if you order by April 10th (ship date).
Digital/Physical Album: http://activeknowledge.bandcamp.com/alb … -knowledge
All orders are drop-shipped through Kunaki which has never been a hassle in the past and is a great DIY service if you're looking to release a physical album. Any questions or press/review/other inquiries, please send to chris@activeknowledgemusic.com. Cheers!
Last edited by Active Knowledge (Mar 27, 2013 3:36 am)