Bothell, Washington

I'm about to start building an arduinoboy and I'm wondering if the latest code is compatible with the arduino diecimila, its the only arduino I have. And if I modded the dmg 04 cable, switching the ground pin to the 5V pin, would the arduino boy not encounter a problem if there is no ground pin connecting it to the gameboy?

Czech republic

You have to keep the ground. The top center pin (looking at GB connector) should be available for swap afaik.

Not sure about diecimila but i guess it should work. Wait for someone to confirm this.

Bothell, Washington

According to the lsdj wiki … _Interface the top middle pin is the serial in so I'm not sure if I can swap that pin.

matt's mind

yes, it should be fully compatible with diecimila.

Czech republic
Das Hype Machine wrote:

According to the lsdj wiki … _Interface the top middle pin is the serial in so I'm not sure if I can swap that pin.

Use pin 4 from this wiki page diagram for the swap. It's not needed.

Bothell, Washington

I think I'll use batteries to power it since my cable doesn't have a pin in the 4 position. Thanks for the help kitsch and ashimoke.

Czech republic

No problem, good luck with your build. I think using batteries is better option anyway.