Offline Something like this or 777minus111
all the chip i find on these sites aren't much like this, maybe this is more underground or something, anyway, does anyone know more artists like these?

Douglas, Wyoming

Sabrepulse's early stuff is a lot like this with a little extra kick, Shirobon and 8-Bit Soldier are also pretty similar there are a lot of unce unce chip artists out there, necro-lurk myspace.

Chipmusic doesn't play much into unce unce stuff, we're a bunch of hipsters here.

Douglas, Wyoming

Also make sure to check out some Bit Shifter


Thanks! do you know anything about the russian scene?


this isnt unce. unce is 4/4 pounding boring / electro house trance stuff.

Id say this is basically breakcore. early sabrepulse is a bit like this. as is mr spastic.

keyword - breakcore / glitch and im sure you'll find a fuck ton.

Douglas, Wyoming
Downstate wrote:

this isnt unce. unce is 4/4 pounding boring / electro house trance stuff.

Id say this is basically breakcore. early sabrepulse is a bit like this. as is mr spastic.

keyword - breakcore / glitch and im sure you'll find a fuck ton.

Maybe I'm just getting old, it all starts sounding the same to me anymore


it sounds like you're looking for strong melodies but technical drum lines but not breakcore/breakbeat
I haven't heard too much that's like that.
Ralp and early Wizwars maybe?

edit: but that song is a mid tempo track, too. I'm really not sure man

Last edited by theghostservant (Mar 31, 2013 6:59 pm)


this is what you want


These guys ran the Children of DOS. I'm not sure if it's still active, but I think they gathered quite a crowd locally. I released an EP there and I never got so many Last.FM plays since.

Chicago IL
Downstate wrote:

Id say this is basically breakcore.


Chicago IL

Check out Falco Lombardi, he did a lot of uncey stuff but the melodies in this remind me of his stuff.

p.s. this is what is 'basically breakcore' … ah-Wen.mp3

Saskrotch wrote:
Downstate wrote:

Id say this is basically breakcore.


what i meant was 'it sounds like OP will enjoy some melodic breakcore ish stuff'. I know technically breakcore has to be 22222bpm but this has the general vibe of that stuff, regardless of hyper spaz tempos.

Fuck it - do it properly - listen to some Venetian snares really loud and kill puppies to it.


It's just not breakcore and it doesn't have the general vibe of it.


sounds like it has the total vibe of 'chip-break' or whatever they call it to me, albeit with the absence of an amen breakz......   fiddly beats and chirpy melodies. i guess the promenent kicks and snares are half time, but that percussion makes me nod at breakcore 200 bpm speed. maybe i took too many drugs as a child.

Saskrotch wrote:

Check out Falco Lombardi, he did a lot of uncey stuff but the melodies in this remind me of his stuff.

p.s. this is what is 'basically breakcore' … ah-Wen.mp3

thankyou for showing me what breakcore is oh great one

Last edited by Downstate (Apr 1, 2013 11:57 am)


Thanks guys, all though nothing really sounds like them, I still like the things you guys gave me.
Maybe i gotta look some more into the whole Children of DOS thing, there are probably more local artists who play the same stuff.