Grimsby, UK … eratus-sum

My EP, ye?
Crit on it.
Don't just listen to the first 10 seconds and elect that you don't like it, it kinda varies throughout. I mean, its not like it morphs through cannibal corpse to franz ferdinand to whatever a Rita Ora is. But you get what I'm saying yeah, its not all the same.
and if you listen to all 6 minutes and hate all of it- don't hurt me.

Brighton | Portsmouth | UK

Is this a day late for April 1st or something?

EDIT: 'Jack Falls' is okay, the rest is horrendous. Still unsure if trolling though.

Last edited by AndrewKilpatrick (Apr 2, 2013 9:41 pm)

Grimsby, UK

i don't know what a cat is.


Don't tell me how to judge the music I listen to. Your name is too similar to mine. There can be only Edward.

"In all honesty I only like the last 30 seconds of it."

What the fuck are we wasting our time listening to it then? If you don't care about your music, why the fuck should anyone else?