Cleveland, OH

I'm always looking to buy Game Boys. ALWAYS.

I'm looking for:
Original Game Boy(DMG): Any color, any condition.
Game Boy Color(CGB): Any color, any condition.
Game Boy Pocket(MGB): Perfectly working LCDs, otherwise any cosmetic condition.
Game Boy Advance(AGB): Working, any cosmetic condition.
Game Boy Advance(AGS-001): Preferably broken so I don't feel bad about using the LCD for frontlight mods.
DS (NDS, DSL, DSI): Any color, any condition.

Feel free to respond here. If you're serious about a transaction then PM me. If you actually want to sell me something then e-mail me at



Orange County,CA /Las Vegas NV

I pm'd you

Last edited by Cuddle Television (Apr 5, 2013 3:46 pm)


If i would buy something in the future of you, could i send you the stuff for "store credit"?
I have a hole Bunch of DMGs here. Working, Only Parts and also some Cases.

Cleveland, OH

Yeah most definitely. We would just come up with a value and consider it a trade in. You can email me about it.

Madriz, Supain

I got a colour, advance sp, advance and a few wonderswans i want to get rid of. ¿Do you think is worth it considering Id ship it overseas?


i have some dmg greys i dont need, i am looking for a nice colour dmg with prosound and maybe backlight

Cleveland, OH

Thanks for the responses guys! Email me at: if you want to work out a sale or trade.