
At the last gig I organised the local station S4C caught wind and came and filmed a bunch of stuff. Which was pretty cool.
It's on the channels catch up service here: … =508551781

Be warned, its in Welsh, you need to click the english subtitles on. Also if you are not in the UK you'll need a proxy or something.

Pretty neat though and while it was very much a 5 min overview of what we were up to, every little helps spread the chip word!
Footage is mostly of Tommy Creep and myself (Alone). They couldn't use any sound due to copyright issues sad Still!
Need to find more Wales based artists too so we can party more wink


Dude that sounds rad as fuck.I am alone here so don't realy have antyone to work with.Thoough i got some 8-bit people.Work in fl studio.So at least something.