I don't see how any self-respecting artist with $160 sitting around (which is very few in these days!) couldn't pick this up. It's so hauntingly stunning, especially in it's lower registers and with the slight amount of detune that was present in your earlier recordings.
Thank You... actually the top end is very special too - some of the strings from the library are eye wateringly beautiful in the upper registers. Steve Howell from HS did the most amazing job looping over 450 raw samples for the archive based on over 1.5Gbytes of my raw audio. The looping pushed Steve's 20+ years as a professional sample producer to the limit as the Novachord's amazing 6 channel electromechanical vibrato makes smooth looping very very difficult. The raw audio needed to be dehummed and 100s of takes rejected and elected for assembly into the final raw sample sets. It was a true labour of love as, despite the instrument being amazingly noise free for a 70 year old electronic synth it still required a considerable degree of attention.
A lot of the beauty in the sound is that it's far from perfect. Each note is different, each note has harmonics caused by the monostable tube divider circuits - there are 12 tube oscillators, 60 tube monostables, 72 tube VCAs, 3 resonant band bass filters and a centrally controlled envelope control - all gloriously analog!!
We are still adding more programs to the main sample set and it's really proving that the base sample pool is very flexible. The Novachord was decades ahead of it's time and it really shows!
Last edited by Hideaway Studio (Mar 25, 2010 12:26 am)