Does anyone know any chipmusic artists from Portugal or the existence of a scene there?
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Does anyone know any chipmusic artists from Portugal or the existence of a scene there?
AFAIK there is Clorofila Azul in there, there was a blog but it has been a while since it was updated.
Clorofila Azul released some very neat Amiga techno on Chippanze.org recently. Nowadays he uses renoise for his music.
Try looking here, https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc … kxDZ0UtZ3c
ps (filipe) from TPOLM runs a demoscene-related netlabel out of Portugal @ http://enoughrecords.scene.org/
He's a friendly guy and would likely be able to give you the scoop; I'd try sending him an e-mail.
Thanks guys! Didn't find as much as I expected but at least some starting points!
ps (filipe) from TPOLM runs a demoscene-related netlabel out of Portugal @ http://enoughrecords.scene.org/
He's a friendly guy and would likely be able to give you the scoop; I'd try sending him an e-mail.
Thanks Ikae! Found some really nice stuff over there.