
I was looking some solution for a hideous lack of music in a (very) nearly to be finished game, when I crashed into this site.
BitBattle (the game) is a non-commercial game, so the site offers a world of possibilities. Nevertheless, I wouldn't like to just silently take some tracks and use them (and give credit, of course). It seems not nice to me, regarding the musicians that made the tracks.
Instead, I would like to ask if someone wants to feature a track of their own on the game.
I'm not asking for new tracks: the site is already full of awesome songs!
So if you like how the game looks, and have a track (or many of them) that could suit the game, tell us. (here or by email, as you wish)

About us: we are a little game dev group from Spain that makes games for fun, willing to start making them for a living instead ^^

About the game itself:
Bitbattle is game for Android and iOS where you pick a team composed of 5 different units.
The rival (CPU or another person, on the same device) picks another one, then both fight spawning the different units in 4 different lanes.
For each unit that fights it way to the ennemy's end, the player owns a point. Simple!
The game is almost finished and scheduled to be released next month, ASAP.


Hope you liked it!

And lets make this the right way smile :
Number of songs required : 3 - 5
Rough length of songs : 1:30 to 3:00, very roughly
Deadline : June 17
Style or Genre required : anything that could suit the game!
Compensation : hate this, but can only offer credit. Boring.
Contact information : bitbattle|at|
Game / company website : working on this, it will be

Hope I'm not breaking any forum rule! (btw, loved the "grandma rule")

Feel free to ask about anything, and congrats for such a nice site!

Last edited by Rugnor (May 19, 2013 5:51 pm)


Looks funny.

xylo wrote:

Looks funny.

Thank you! Hope people finds it fun to play. We'll see soon. *scared*

Thanks to very quick mail answers, too!

Youngstown, OH

Use anything of mine, let me know if you do. It'd be awesome for this music to have a home.

I do actually compose for games so feel free to keep my contact info and hit me up if you get anything else going.

- Jesse

NC in the US of America

Looks like a game. You could go through the music section and find songs that grant you the license to do what you said you didn't want to do if you wanted to. The artists gave those songs that license because they don't have a problem with people like you using their stuff.

Edit: Don't know if any of my stuff fits your game, but you can use "Whirly" if you want.

Last edited by SketchMan3 (May 19, 2013 9:11 pm)

SketchMan3 wrote:

Looks like a game. You could go through the music section and find songs that grant you the license to do what you said you didn't want to do if you wanted to. The artists gave those songs that license because they don't have a problem with people like you using their stuff.

Sure! I understand that if someone chooses that license, I can do that and everything is all right. It was going to be the first option: I've been surfing the music section an people's profiles for a couple days, and I'll send a message to a couple composers we spotted in the music section tongue
Still, I feel more comfortable this way because I can pay close attention to the work of people willing to have something of theirs in this particular game. Kind of giving priority to actively interested people, know them and maybe work with people I meet here on future projects!
(and also it gives me a feel of somehow giving back the favor of being able to use the song)
Thank you for the remark and the compliment!
Btw, checked your work, and loved how you play with the stereo sound.

Jesse wrote:

It'd be awesome for this music to have a home.

Hoping to do so! I've been surprised by the Mozart track: days ago we fancied about putting a "In the Hall of the Mountain King" version someone did with a midi and an "8-bittishing" program, so including an 8-bit cover of a classical piece is something that could seriously be done. You got very nice tracks, let me show them to the rest of the team.

Last edited by Rugnor (May 19, 2013 9:52 pm)

Gosford, Australia

have a look on my profile here, but also check out my soundcloud since i recently removed a bunch of stuff from here for no real reason. i also have another album on bandcamp which you might like. basically you have my blessing to use any of my songs for non-commercial purposes (CC BY-NC-SA and all that jazz!)

Youngstown, OH
Rugnor wrote:
Jesse wrote:

It'd be awesome for this music to have a home.

Hoping to do so! I've been surprised by the Mozart track: days ago we fancied about putting a "In the Hall of the Mountain King" version someone did with a midi and an "8-bittishing" program, so including an 8-bit cover of a classical piece is something that could seriously be done. You got very nice tracks, let me show them to the rest of the team.

Hey thanks very much. Awesome, let me know how it goes.

Victory Road wrote:

have a look on my profile here, but also check out my soundcloud since i recently removed a bunch of stuff from here for no real reason. i also have another album on bandcamp which you might like. basically you have my blessing to use any of my songs for non-commercial purposes (CC BY-NC-SA and all that jazz!)

Nice! Thank you, I'll tell you later on which tracks we would be interested in and particularly what for in the game.
We are trying to do something cool and consistent out of the proposals that showed up. We are trying to do that gradually, so as to be able to confirm the choices one by one , as soon as possible (and at the same time new proposals appear).

Little update: we decided to credit the songs by triggering a label with the song's author and title everytime the track starts playing. We think it's the best way to let players know who made each particular piece of music. Playing the music during the game and telling author/title aside, during the credits screen is too dissociating. (hope I've been able to explain myself XD)


It's been nearly a month since the first post, when can we expect to see the game released? smile

thebitman wrote:

It's been nearly a month since the first post, when can we expect to see the game released? smile

Impossible to say a fixed date, the day we feel everything is ready, the same day we upload & publish ^^U

We wanted to have it wraped up and ready for today actually, but we have to catch up with some "wild SDK updates" that appeared, and meanwhile we are making some last minute tweaks and fixes. It cant take much longer, we have other projects scheduled, and this one should already be closed and running. Let's say before the month's end, hopefully next week.

Let me update about how we are giving credit: we made a "Jukebox mode" that look like this, instead of the label system. tongue

We got lots of help and collabs from many's musicians: we are very grateful for everything, thank you to the whole community here. big_smile
I guess we can consider this collab request closed, feel free to contact us for anything, and I'll stick around the forums. ^^
I'll update here as soon as we publish the game!


Neato, looking forward to it.

Youngstown, OH

Oh I like that. Looking forward to seeing my tunes in there!

Chicago IL
thebitman wrote:

It's been nearly a month since the first post, when can we expect to see the game released? smile

games take a while

Saskrotch wrote:
thebitman wrote:

It's been nearly a month since the first post, when can we expect to see the game released? smile

games take a while

EDIT: they said on Twitter: "Just a week until we release our first game: Bitbattle! Stay tuned for more info about it." on May 26th. I know it has been only an extra week's wait right now, but there is a big difference between "released" and "submitted for approval by Apple/Google Play Store." I have tried to contact the group through both Twitter and email and gotten no reply for the past few days.

Last edited by thebitman (Jun 11, 2013 1:16 am)

thebitman wrote:

EDIT: they said on Twitter: "Just a week until we release our first game: Bitbattle! Stay tuned for more info about it." on May 26th. I have tried to contact the group through both Twitter and email and gotten no reply for the past few days.

Sorry, our Twitter is embarrassingly unattended, so sorry sad
We really want to change that like... right now, but it's hard to keep up to date with everything. I take the opportunity to make things move this way, sorry again to stand you up on Twitter. That tweet it's our little "Valve Time" moment XD
The mail part, that's serious stuff: I'm going to check our mail server the moment I hit "submit reply".

thebitman wrote:

I know it has been only an extra week's wait right now, but there is a big difference between "released" and "submitted for approval by Apple/Google Play Store."

Not really for Google Play (frequently some hours is enough to get it published), very right about Apple Store.
We are not waiting for the "bottlenecked" Apple's review process: sorry for iOS users, we have been moving things on the Apple side already for a month, but Android people will get the game way before. It's out of our hands U__U

Last edited by Rugnor (Jun 11, 2013 8:03 am)