Yorkshire, UK

Hey guys, I'm new here. Just wanted to say hi and tell you about my new EP which is coming out very soon.

The first track from it is available to listen online, it's electro-pop with elements of chiptune and trance thrown in for good measure.

If you could take the time to listen to it and share your thoughts/feedback, I would appreciate that so much smile

Many thanks!


Yorkshire, UK

Oh, also I should mention I'm looking for people to do little animated music videos and stuff. I have very little in the way of budget so this would suit someone who's just starting to get into animation and wants to build their portfolio.

The reaction so far has been incredibly positive so thanks guys for listening! smile


NC in the US of America

This really should go in the "upcoming releases" thread unless by "really soon" you mean, like, right now, wink.

Anyway, top-notch vocals, man. The effects really compliment your voice, I think. Good stuff, man. I really the harmony. I'm always a fan of "chipmusic" elements and good singing.

I'm running on sleep deprivation and that ending just made me go up and up and up and up and... @.@

Last edited by SketchMan3 (Jun 12, 2013 12:46 pm)

Yorkshire, UK

Cheers dude! Much appreciated smile

Sorry about putting it in the wrong section... perhaps the admins can move it? Sorry I'm new here!

I didn't want to create pure chiptune, just incorporate elements of it into what I was doing already and I think it works pretty well. I'm currently trying to put a live band together and it's proving a logistical nightmare! Haha

Thank you for the kind comments x

Yorkshire, UK

This was being played on local radio all over the weekend. Very strange yet satisfying experience!