Its admin authorisation. So no emails...
"Password requires an upper case letter, lower case letter and a number"
i'm out lol
kfarday - noo just try something like "Kf4rd4Y" and you will be in...
"Password requires an upper case letter, lower case letter and a number"
i'm out lol
This is my problem with it, none of my passwords have capital letters. I know it's bad practice to use the same password for multiple sites, but it'll be a little inconvenient to have a new one just for this site.
Still joining though
We need more discussions happening. Join up FM users.
Yep we have 34 members now.
But all FM music lovers please join our forum now:
# - delete
I hope first FMsynthesis PDF magazine issue will be available in August-September.
We need +2 members to get 40! Who will register???
FORUM IS OFFLINE until 23.JULY.2013 - upgrading and restructuring forum to be more readable and installing some new extra features... CONTACT: [email protected]
Last edited by Matej (Jul 18, 2013 4:58 pm)
BeatScribe wrote:Heh, cool, I just did an article about FM albums.
Really? Link!
It's way past the 23rd, and the forum's still down, what's up with it?
It's way past the 23rd, and the forum's still down, what's up with it?
Been wondering the same thing. Lost those OPL tracker links.
the last I heard 2013.08.02 was that he was on holidays, and he would open the forum soon.