Kyle, Tx

Hey everyone I got a PSP Go with OFW and Masterboy Emulator (signed) but I cant seem to find any mods for this thing. The only thing I can find is replacement shells but the only colors I find are blue,green,red,black,white. I cant even find a battery upgrade because the life on the psp is pretty much shot. I suspect its last owner left it in the sun a few too many times. But all I can find are standard batteries.

Anyone know of any resources for these suckers?

Taichung, Taiwan

There was very little need for modding of the psp systems.

High capacity batteries from Sony are hard to come by new and you would probably be better off to just get replacement batteries.

The GO had a docking station if I remember correctly that hooks up to the boob tube.


well you could wire up higher capactiy batteries, but you would need to make a custom shell / ductape because they will be larger than the original one.

but apart from that, what kind of mods do you actually want? i got a psp fat and the only mod id like is dual analog (right slider mapped to action buttons), but thats pretty much only for geometry wars. so yeah, as katsumbhong said there was never much need of modding a psp.

Kyle, Tx

Well I was actually hoping to do a volume mod because the speaker in the go is SOOooooo quiet. I actually have that dock too. Havnt gotten around to hooking it up since I am in a moving process though. Btw how did you get geo wars. Thats my favorite shooter game.

Taichung, Taiwan

If you want to upgrade sound on the onboard speaker... I have never done it before but I have seen tutorials online for other handhelds where modders have wired up an amplifier to small cell phone speaker and that seemed to do the trick.

Boom - … or-louder/

Kyle, Tx

Hey there we go smile I like it!. I bet I could do something like that if I can fit a pcb that large in it. I might have to find something smaller.

Taichung, Taiwan
IndigoChild wrote:

Hey there we go smile I like it!. I bet I could do something like that if I can fit a pcb that large in it. I might have to find something smaller.

I'm fairly certain you will be able to find an amplifier that will fit somewhere inside of your psp.

Joliette, QC, Canada

if someone finds a way to charge the pspgo without that goddamn block when the batteries are dead that would be great...I always lose it when I need it !

Kyle, Tx

I could invest some time into this since I will be ripping mine apart anyways. Its just a USB cable over glorified so I might be able to splice a micro usb into it somewhere.