I dislike spiritualism and that was so new-age I nearly died with mild frustration.
But to add to your hopes: ever imagined colors that we haven't seen before? Chances are that they exist.
Im sorry to have bothered you but everything I believe can be backed up and proven through mathematics and or science. I merely use the word spiritualism because its the easiest way for people to understand in general what I believe. New age? Hardly, this is all stuff that has been proposed long before we were even a notion in our parents heads and even thousands of years before.
Now back to colors If you take a look at various photographs as such.
These are just some examples of light that can not be seen with the naked human eye. I imagine the advancements in human genetics will allow this broad spectrum and this still, is only a fraction of the kind of light we know about.
There is a particular sea creature.
The Peacock Shrimp
The spectrum of light that this shrimp can see, please excuse the newage term, it can actually see your aura. It can see where your going to move before you, Scientists are baffled and can not explain how it knows before you do. Until they begin to explore 4th dimension and alternate realities.