UK, Leicester
IndigoChild wrote:

@float.bridges: Of course we will. The course of human evolution is increasingly more evident. I dont believe we evolved from a bacterium to a fish to a land creature to an ape to us now. No, evolution is defined as change. We have reached an apex in the technological advancement curve and our skills, abilities, knowlege has been increasing very rapidly. We are currently sitting at the begining of an era in which we evolve into an advanced form of human.

We see this all over the world. Even in america. DNA is being unlocked and more people are able to perceive the 4th dimension. More people are truly in tune with nature and can even speak with animals. The Japanese have super psychics and are developing schools for children with this ability to flourish.

We have only discovered a small fraction of what dna does and everyday there are more people unlocking the dormant aspects of their dna and awakening to new life. Without a doubt I believe there is a piece in there that will enable us to see these higher and lower spectrums.

I have a few questions about your first paragraph, and most of the other stuff you posted to be honest, but let's start there. Am I right in the idea that you think technology is causing our evolution, that we as a human race are being evolved due to learning more due to technology?

As for the second paragraph, do tell about these people who can talk to animals, and the Japanese psychic children.




i think synesthesia helps develop a sense of quality, if you have a pic of mario (3D mario) as your avatar you probably don't have any form of synesthesia sorry you can't ever be a mo

boomlinde wrote:
float.bridges wrote:

@IndigoChild, will we ever actually adapt into being able to witness these beautiful and unseen (by real human eyes) colors?

Maybe through the use of technology or training, but as I can't see the evolutionary advantage a person with this ability would have over a person without it, I don't think we'll naturally evolve it anytime soon. That's my opinion.

not with traditional natural selection, but if it really is more common in artists and musicians, then it may work to some extent.. i mean at least as long as people keep finding creativity in others sexy, that is wink


I think IndigoChild lives in a cliché sci-fi B movie.

Youngstown, OH
boomlinde wrote:

From this explanation it seems like you are talking about spacetime, though.

Well, harsh personal criticism aside, sorry if I had confused space-time with a generalization of "the fourth dimension". As the video explains, better than I can since coming from the field of musical theory and not at all a proportionate study of space-time, I was more talking about the link between musical practices and theoretical mathematics, which is undeniable in my opinion. There are relevant examples to be drawn, as I think Vihart eloquently elaborates on better than I can apparently attempt to.

I'm not trying to dispel misinformation here, just part of a healthy discussion about something I don't think a lot of people have exposure to, boomlinde.

That being said, probably not super relevant to this topic, but I was excited to see that maybe other chipmusicians were open to a theoretical discussion. My bad, I suppose.




Sleepytimejesse, I was pretty certain this whole thread is theoretical, as synesthesia wasn't an accepted concept until fairly recently (starting research in the late 1800s maybe? "Modern" research didn't happen until the 1980s).

Boomlinde, is close to what I was talking about. But it is a theory. Not a solid fact. I'm sorry if it came off as me pushing it as truth. The senses aren't really something humankind knows a lot about for certain, it seems.

Kyle, Tx
Alpine wrote:

I have a few questions about your first paragraph, and most of the other stuff you posted to be honest, but let's start there. Am I right in the idea that you think technology is causing our evolution, that we as a human race are being evolved due to learning more due to technology?

As for the second paragraph, do tell about these people who can talk to animals, and the Japanese psychic children. … chics.html <----- I made a mistake, its actually Chinese. But this link is a reference about the super psychics. If you wanna know more please do the research to determine for yourself what you believe to be true.

If you wanna learn about human evolution as I have stated a good place to look is Drunvalo's book The Ancient Secrets to the Flower of Life.

Read some of Steven Hawking's books as well.

But I can see that this thread is presenting hostility and without basis so I will leave this here.

smile Enjoy the ride everyone.

IL, US sounds like a legit source

e.s.c. wrote: sounds like a legit source


being familiar with more than just one music scene (and also being a music teacher) - i can tell you there is something about people with synthesthesia being drawn to chip music.  I know 3 chip musicians that have it and another that basically has perfect pitch.  Although both of the synesthetics had problems with it when they were young.  Imagine being in a group of people talking and there is like a disco going off in your eyes.  I figure its something like the mutants in X-Men.  Some of the mutants can't control their powers and eventually wind up killing themself or others (or joining the brotherhood of evil mutants) - some actually streamline their ability and turn into ridiculous heros (or ridiculous musicians).  The disease does not make you a great musician - that is only achieved through a shit ton of work.  I personally have ADD and it's a pain in the ass mostly however, there is this hyperfocus thing that can happen.  I attribute that mode to any success i've had in music or art.  So moral of the story is - everyone has something fucked about them.  You can either make that fucked up part a positive thing or a negative thing.  For me and probably most people on this forum - we spin our problems into a positive thing.

oh yea and fuck pseudo science.

Last edited by animalstyle (Jul 29, 2013 8:29 pm)


can we seriously just talk about lizard overlords tho i have tons of sources with no name/certifications/dates/website design prowess to show you

sleepytimejesse wrote:

Well, harsh personal criticism aside

Where did I criticize you personally?

sleepytimejesse wrote:

I was more talking about the link between musical practices and theoretical mathematics, which is undeniable in my opinion.

Much like the link between theoretical mathematics and <insert anything here>? I agree.

sleepytimejesse wrote:

There are relevant examples to be drawn, as I think Vihart eloquently elaborates on better than I can apparently attempt to.

I'll have to watch that video when I get more robust internet access in a couple of weeks.

sleepytimejesse wrote:

I'm not trying to dispel misinformation here, just part of a healthy discussion about something I don't think a lot of people have exposure to, boomlinde.

No one accused you of trying.

sleepytimejesse wrote:

That being said, probably not super relevant to this topic, but I was excited to see that maybe other chipmusicians were open to a theoretical discussion. My bad, I suppose.

It seems to me that it's not theoretical discussion that you are interested in if you want to abandon it at the slightest hint of criticism. For a theoretical discussion you need a theoretical foundation, and vague ideas based on misunderstood concepts of theoretical physics will eventually have someone disagree or question them.

float.bridges wrote:

Boomlinde, is close to what I was talking about. But it is a theory. Not a solid fact. I'm sorry if it came off as me pushing it as truth. The senses aren't really something humankind knows a lot about for certain, it seems.

Even if you disregard that this is a bunch of excerpts from the personal journal of a philosopher published on a tripod website, there is nothing there to support the idea that "a synesthete is a person whom the senses weren't completely divided."

e.s.c. wrote:

not with traditional natural selection, but if it really is more common in artists and musicians, then it may work to some extent.. i mean at least as long as people keep finding creativity in others sexy, that is wink

Yeah, sure, as long as creativity consistently follows being able to see a bunch of new colors, but I'm not sure how or why it would. This line of thinking makes more sense with things like synaesthesia, I think.

Youngstown, OH
boomlinde wrote:
sleepytimejesse wrote:

I was more talking about the link between musical practices and theoretical mathematics, which is undeniable in my opinion.

Much like the link between theoretical mathematics and <insert anything here>? I agree.

Well then this we can agree on, I never said that anything else was irrelevant, because everything is math. I only brought to this website inhabitated by musicians that examples are to be drawn by music, boomlinde.

boomlinde wrote:
sleepytimejesse wrote:

There are relevant examples to be drawn, as I think Vihart eloquently elaborates on better than I can apparently attempt to.

I'll have to watch that video when I get more robust internet access in a couple of weeks.

I highly recommend that you do, as it effectively goes through what I've been trying to say and back again much more concisely.