Some footage from the I/O show I played at the beginning of the month.
Some footage from my set last Friday night
camera cut out a few times, but we still got some fun stuff
Nice! Good to see 1xDMG sets with some real energy.
Since this is an "exchange", here's some footage someone posted of the last two tunes from my set at this month's 8static, with ap0c guesting on tuba.
Thanks man!
I can't stop beaming watching your clips. When will you be in the area? Hahaha
The Syntax Sin Tax
1000 Needles
Last edited by katsumbhong (Jul 31, 2013 1:26 am)
So me and a friend wrote this for school last year... maybe someone out there will find this amusing.
Here is a video I like because it was a big mainstream festival and I wasn't really expecting a lot of reaction from the crowd but people really liked my set.
Dkstr live from veeerry chill minifest in Helsinki this summer:
and my R.Kelly cover from same fest
Last edited by DKSTR (Sep 6, 2013 2:22 pm)
@eindbaas NYC
woah i just found this one, havent seen it before but its cool hha that was a sick show, but you cant see the audience lol
@pulsewave NYC
@Obsolete, LA
and me in philly @ 8static … 13725956AD
those are some of my fav's that i;ve found.
btw, i am 100% sure none of my naked shows made it to the internet.. everyones too much of a pussy to upload to vimeo.
dkstr my god your r. kelly cover is kicking my butt awesome, can't stop listening. wish i could see closer up to the stage
have a ton more on my harddrives, some still need to be edited years after the gigs... i'll try and remember to upload another 1-2 a week until they're all online
Last edited by e.s.c. (Sep 6, 2013 9:47 pm)
Some songs from Toy Company Montreal!
Some new footage from Saturday night. More to come.
Anon. Complex
edit: The rest of the set
Last edited by 10spd (Oct 25, 2013 5:07 pm)
Two videos of my international chiptune / post rock band Marshall Art performing it's debut set at MAGFest. Featuring live, real time visuals by the sun setting over the Potomac.
Our show in Tokyo last september/october.
Last edited by xylo (Feb 14, 2014 8:12 pm)