
You guys know way more about this stuff than I do and a Google search didn't come up with anything related to this.

A faint repeating pattern can be seen by the menu border going all the way down the screen.
It's faintly visible between the 2 blue lines I added, the contrast is at that setting to demonstrate the problem.

With some contrast fiddling it can range between slightly annoying and not really visible, but since I want to backlight this pocket I was worried about it either being more visible or just getting worse.
What could be going on here and is it fixable?


Santa Cruz, California

Pixel lines are dying.


Shit sad
So I guess it's not worth attempting to backlight it then?

I've read that there is a high rate of failure attempting it.


So far I'm 1 for 3 when it comes to backlighting game boy pockets. The two I broke get a bunch of those dead pixels in the middle. I can prop up the ribbon cable and the dead pixels go away for a little bit but they eventually come back. Also on those two the battery life shortened quite a bit. I've backlit a DMG and it went just fine but the pockets seem to get the best of me lol. Good luck!

Santa Cruz, California

I have yet to successfully backlight a Pocket.


Damn, maybe I'll just keep the pocket as is and sniff out a DMG then.
My hands are useless at being still so I'd have like a 90% chance of ruining it further. tongue

Thanks all.


the first gameboy i ever backlit was a pocket, and i did it!

it was nothing but luck. haha