OP: Literally no advice/criticism/comments in this thread deserves harsh criticism such as you have underhandedly given.This is literally the best thread of this type I've ever seen on chipmusic.org so far. I'm shocked and apalled
But yeah as katsumbhong said make music that you want to hear and you will have no regrets. Of course, for most that is easier said than done. Listen to yourself with a critical ear.
Anywho... From a sound-design standpoint, this is one of the issues with newcomers trying to produce chiptune using modern DAWS: It tends to focus on the "limitations" of chipmusic, whereas chipmusic produced in actual chipmusic formats and platforms (tracker modules, C64, Gameboy, NES, AHX, ZXSpectrum, etc) focuses on exploiting and getting around those limitations. So "REAL" Gameboy music that has had a lot of work put into it will end up sounding more technically advanced than someone who says "hey I want to make sounds like Super Punkio in a DAWTree" and just uses basic bleeps and bloops in a super advanced program like FLStudio or Reason or even Renoise or Sunvox. If you really want to produce a chiptune sound that appeals to chiptuners then you have to listen to chiptune and check out the fancy stuff they do with their sound design and use or lose whatever you like or don't like.
If you don't want to do that then do whatever, haha. I know of a couple people who might dig this kind off thing.
Edit; Pardon the tone of my first paragraph it was very tongue-in-cheek meant to be mostly playful... :T
Last edited by SketchMan3 (Aug 19, 2013 5:01 pm)