
So I'm a new to the biz film maker. My first big project I want to make is "Polybius" based on the old urban legend. What I want from you is to find on composer to make me a dark ambiant chiptune score. I wouldn't be able to pay but you'd recieve full credit in the opening and closing credits and reserve all rights to the music. I would like to work with one composer so if you're intrested contqct me either through a comment on here or my email at I hope to hear from you all soon! Any question about the film or score let me know!

Taichung, Taiwan

Sounds legit.


Any details outside of the name?


how can we know you will follow through and actually make it? have you already started?

Tokyo, Japan

I know you aren't a game dev but this information would all be really useful for potential composers … read-this/


I understand the worry of me following through. I have started scripting it and I'm getting a bank loan so I can follow through. If youd rather not work on it for this reason then so be it I won't be offended I can definatly understand, but what I want right now is just to bounce ideas with all of you and hopefully find the right person. My brother highly recomended this site for artists. Also as to what the film is about; there is an urban legend that in 1981 an arcade game entitled Polybius apeared in arcades and had bizzare affects on the players. Supposedly it was a government mind controll devoce. The film will be a psychological horror film about a man you plays the game in 1981 and tries to unravel the conspiracy while the government tries to coverup all knowlege of the game.

Taichung, Taiwan

Lazerbeat wrote:

I know you aren't a game dev but this information would all be really useful for potential composers … read-this/

Thank you for thi. It will definatly be useful when I reach that step. Right now I want most of all to know who's intrested. Maybe I asked to early its just to me the music is extramely important.

Taichung, Taiwan
Malcolm Robinson wrote:
Lazerbeat wrote:

I know you aren't a game dev but this information would all be really useful for potential composers … read-this/

Thank you for thi. It will definatly be useful when I reach that step. Right now I want most of all to know who's intrested. Maybe I asked to early its just to me the music is extramely important.

I would throw together a show reel of what you have done before and or get some filming done, have some teaser clips and show those first before getting the score down.

katsumbhong wrote:
Malcolm Robinson wrote:

Thank you for thi. It will definatly be useful when I reach that step. Right now I want most of all to know who's intrested. Maybe I asked to early its just to me the music is extramely important.

I would throw together a show reel of what you have done before and or get some filming done, have some teaser clips and show those first before getting the score down.

I can agree with that and believe me I know the score is the last part to the puzzle of film making I'm just want to see who'd be intrested in this project. Like does it sound good to any of you?

Brunswick, GA USA

It can work if you want, good luck to you.


I like the idea (I've actually never heard of Polybius surprisingly) and I'd be interested, I just need to see more of the project before I would commit to anything.


chiptune connection

Malcolm Robinson wrote:

I wouldn't be able to pay


id be interested, if not for that no pay nonsense

Medina, Ohio

I'd love to do it.