
1. Leave//Stay
2. Now What?
3. Go
4. 13 Point Program To Destroy Boredom
5. Flood … -chance-ep

NC in the US of America

Dancey Unce unce unce

Gets pretty repetitive what with the "one chord progression per song" thing and melodies are kind of lacking in coherence at times, but you have really cool sounds and riffs. I like the "backward" drums @ 1:10 of "Now What" and the bone rattley sound in "Go". "13 Point Program to Destroy Boredome" is my favorite, gives off some nice vibes. I like that subtle vibrato on the crescendo chords.

Good sounds. It's just that almost every lead melody that isn't a riff tends to get a bit lost as if it was a live keyboard solo with a new member of the band who has not rehearsed with everyone else before-hand. And there is not one song that varies the chord progression with which it starts. It's nice to have a contrasting chord progression at some point in the song (in at least one song on there), but that's just my personal preference.

Dancey dance dance in a club nobody would probably care, lol.

Last edited by SketchMan3 (Aug 27, 2013 7:05 pm)