hiding under your bed

So I took a trip from TN to VA in December for a couple weeks to work with a friend on a bunch of mods and stuff. On the way back, Greyhound lost all of my stuff. Clothes, money, Christmas presents for my family, most of my tools and a TON of game systems and parts. Now I'm selling what little bit I have left around so I can pay my bills and maybe start working on a couple simple mods and get back on my feet.
~All prices are OBO~ I might also be interested in trades but I mostly need the money right now.

NES with all hookups and TMNT game - $70 shipped OBO

Like New Super Smash Bros for 3DS - $35 shipped

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U - $40 shipped
Disc only, but it is in mint condition, no scratches.

Game Boy games - $6 shipped each or $25 for all six of them

Super Smash Bros. Club Nintendo Poster Set #1 - $45 shipped OBO
Brand new & mint - haven't been taken out of the tube they were sent to me in.

Super Smash Bros. Club Nintendo Poster Set #2 - $45 shipped OBO
Also new/mint in the tube it came in. No picture of the tube yet since it's not supposed to show up in my mail until tomorrow, hahah.

Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS/Wii U ♪ -A SMASHING SOUNDTRACK- $25 shipped
Brand new/mint, still in the shrinkwrap.

Metal Mario Amiibo - $25 shipped

Sonic & Mega Man Amiibo - $20 shipped each, or $35 shipped for both.

iPod Nano 2nd Gen 2gb - $35 shipped
Works great, comes with original packaging, may or may not come with the cable for it if I can find it, but if not they're pretty cheap and you can get one pretty much anywhere.
Nothing wrong with it, it's just been sitting in my closet for the past few years since I upgraded to the last gen of the iPod classic, which was 160gb.

Yamaha Portasound PSS-140 with box - $40 shipped
This thing's awesome, man.

~Custom-modded game consoles/handhelds~

At the moment all I can find is pictures of handhelds I've done since that's the most popular request, but I do a little of everything from modding the Atari and NES for chiptune-related endeavors to repairing busted PS4s/Xbox Ones!
Send me an email at for more information and pricequotes (and I'll even send a mockup of any aesthetic mods you'd want if you're interested)
More pictures HERE.

Last edited by PianoGameboy (Mar 23, 2015 9:03 pm)

Taichung, Taiwan

Someone buy this and make me envious of them. Very fairly priced.

Kyle, Tx

If I had the money I would take you up on that offer katsumbhong. this is a great deal for a gorgeous gameboy.


damn that's a pretty boy

hiding under your bed

Thanks for the compliments, guys!
I just sold it to a guy who I believe sent me an email after seeing my post in the Chipmusic Facebook group.
I'll have more to sell in the coming weeks.

Taichung, Taiwan

There's a Chipmusic Facebook Page?!?!?!

hiding under your bed

Actually, it probably isn't officially affiliated with, I'm not sure. Here it is.
There's also the Chip = Win group as well.

hiding under your bed

Want to buy a few PCB mount prosounds off of anyone who's got 'em.
ASM's out of stock and with the new direction he's taking his store in it doesn't sound like he has any plans to restock them.
Send me a message and let me know how many you've got and how much you want for 'em.

Taichung, Taiwan


hiding under your bed

BUMP. Currently selling like-new condition GBA and CGBs, along with a couple old Game & Watches.
All prices are OBO, and while I'm not looking for anything in particular at the moment, but I will consider trades. Make me an offer!
If these don't sell within the next few days, I'll be sticking them up on ebay sometime around the weekend.


Sent you a PM. I've always wanted a Game & Watch!

hiding under your bed

Everything sold. Gonna put more stuff up later tonight.

hiding under your bed

Teal CGB and clear Pocket for sale.

hiding under your bed

Bump, DS and 3DS games for sale. Whatever isn't sold within the next couple of days is either getting thrown onto ebay or taken to trade at a local game store.

hiding under your bed

Next month I lose my job at General Mills thanks to the robotic uprising, and the month after that I'm getting kicked out of my current temporary residence and I'm attempting to move 2 hours away for a new job and college (I'll have a very temporary job between GM and then), BUT I need a car first.
Help me buy a car and not be homeless! Car/college or bust! yay!

Taichung, Taiwan

Amazing prices!

PianoGameboy, with you looking for a car, do you have a job waiting for you when you move that you would need a car to get to and from work/school?

Lacking a car in the past, I have used a bicycle and/or bus system to get me to where I needed. Don't know what the situation is, but it saves money... in tradeoff for time.