I posted a bit about this in the constructive criticism forum, but now that it's an official release, I decided to share it here.
I've just released a 5-track EP titled REASONABLY PRICED under the name Portopak. I named the "band" and CD after a scene from the Abel Ferrara movie THE DRILLER KILLER where the main character sees an incredibly cheap looking commercial on TV for a portable power pack called Porto-Pak advertised for $19.99 (which seems like a reasonable price for that equipment in 1970s dollars). I later decided to give the EP away for free on Bandcamp (http://portopak.bandcamp.com), which makes the title even funnier to me. I also threw it up on iTunes, Spotify, Amazon MP3 and Google Play, because I figured, "why not?"
Earlier this year, I discovered LSDJ and this forum, and it got me back into making music for the first time in over a decade. I've always had a fondness of the sounds and innovation chiptune artists have been able to create, but I wanted to use the 8-bit sound for something other than EDM. I liked the idea of making punk/noise rock-inspired music using the Game Boy Pocket I had from childhood to make the bass, drums and vocal melody for some basic riffs I came up with my minor talent on the guitar. Instead of vocals, I began cutting various scenes from my favorite public domain horror and sci-fi movies.
I really don't have much of a clue of how exactly to describe the sound or give any kind if RIYL suggestions, but I hope folks will check it out. I've had a great time making it and I've already started on a followup.
If you want it as free or name-your-price download or on a physical CD (well, Kunaki CD-R), head over to http://portopak.bandcamp.com
Or you can get it elsewhere:
Spotify: http://open.spotify.com/album/16OvYk3wQQCmalLgAyZYha
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/reaso … d690889139
Amazon MP3 Store: http://www.amazon.com/Reasonably-Priced … s=portopak
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/music/alb … bempfme5ym
I used a kind of shady-looking aggregator for all of those but Spotify, so who knows if I'll ever get paid, but at least I can wear being in the iTunes Store like a sad badge of honor for a while.
Last edited by jmc1987 (Sep 30, 2013 9:36 pm)