Milwaukee, WI

I know I'm not the first to ask this, but is there a way to use MIDI channels beyond 1-5 when using MGB? I'd prefer to not dick around any further with arduinoboy code if at all possible. Searches are returning nothing of value.

I noticed a nitro-hacked version allowing for other channels, but I'm getting dead links. What are my options here?


Yes, the nitro hacked version accepts the other channels, but each proceeding five channels must be on separate cartridges.


yeah, i use the channel 11-15 version to keep it out of the way of midines, my synths and the drum machines... i'll throw them in a zip and PM you the link

Milwaukee, WI

Durr. ESC posted at the same time. Nevermind this post. I will be waiting patiently.

Last edited by TSC (Sep 18, 2013 1:12 am)


its the 1.3.0 version of mgb, pm'd the link
but yeah, just use the 11-15 one if that fits your setup better

Last edited by e.s.c. (Sep 18, 2013 1:12 am)

Milwaukee, WI

Damn. Fast shipping! Would buy from again. A++

Thanks for taking the spare minute or so to help dude!


not a problem at all, man

Milwaukee, WI

So this wasn't as easy as I thought it might be. I see the new versions are displaying the channel numbers on the top of the screen, so all is well there, but I cannot trigger anything because the Arduinoboy is still only accepting MIDI data on channels 1-5. Certainly there's something I overlooked? I don't remember a MIDI channel switch mode on the Arduinoboy itself and a quick search again proves fruitless.

Is there a reason channel selection isn't in MGB as standard?

Milwaukee, WI

For the sleep deprived and illiterate: After some sleep (just enough) I noticed there was a Max script via the Arduinoboy Google code page which allowed me to change the corresponding MIDI channels. Oddly enough, the Nitro-hacked carts were not producing sound, nor were they responding to MIDI CC's. The official MGB ROM now works on whatever channels I want them to thanks to MAX. Thanks again for the help ESC. I really appreciate it.

tl;dr - RTFM


weird didn't know about the update code, but i've been using the nanoloop usb midi adapter for mGB


I don't know why it wouldn't work for you...I had no problem making this video, but I no longer can find out what ArduinoBoy version it was programmed with...

Jazzmarazz wrote:

Yes, the nitro hacked version accepts the other channels, but each proceeding five channels must be on separate cartridges.

Yes, I made versions that listened to channels 1-5 (as usual), 6-10 and 11-15. But this was just a quick hack. As I later figured out, these versions of mGB didn't work as expected. Sending MIDI to channels that outside of the individual ROM's channel range would still crash the program, so it was useless for connecting 'boys in parallel anyway. That's why they're not available for download any more. Sorry.
Maybe one day I will actually get to finishing my own MIDI ROM, which will not have this problem.


weird, i've never crashed the multichannel version you made yet

Milwaukee, WI

I noticed that the channel numbers disappear when coming back from the select+A command on the hacked version fwiw. Does this happen for anyone else?


Yeah, like I said, quick hack. I probably only made it print the channel names on start-up and not in when returning from screen off. Again, sorry.

Milwaukee, WI

Absolutely no need to apologize. I just wasn't sure if the D.I.Y. Arduinoboy/modded DMG was being wonky or if it was due to it being a quick hack. Regardless, keep up the amazing work.