Unfortunately they wont fit in a standard case because the PROM is too thick.
The PROM seems to fit inside a GBC case as pictured in the Blue DMG Test cart...
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Unfortunately they wont fit in a standard case because the PROM is too thick.
The PROM seems to fit inside a GBC case as pictured in the Blue DMG Test cart...
thursdaycustoms wrote:Unfortunately they wont fit in a standard case because the PROM is too thick.
The PROM seems to fit inside a GBC case as pictured in the Blue DMG Test cart...
The blue cart happens to be a slightly softer plastic so it bends around it a little bit while still closing all the way. I believe actually Nintendo cart cases are harder and would not allow this. Similar to the clear and clear orange which as you've seen need to be cut down.
I did my personal carts by cutting a square in the case to fit the chip but it's very time consuming so I wasn't able to do it with all of these.
I have a couple IK Multimedia iRig MIDI kits for sale. I picked a bunch up, one for myself, one for a customer(who backed out) and another because I figured they would be cool to use with an Arduino Boy with a Game Boy. I haven't fully messed with mine yet but I'm looking forward to it!
Here they are:
Two new kits on the shop!
DMG Audio:
This is a replacement board for the Original Game Boy(DMG) headphone jack.
With all new components this is a perfect way to replace the old worn out capacitors and save space for other mods.
Hex Switch v2:
http://thursdaycustoms.bigcartel.com/pr … -switch-v2
The newest version of the Hex Switch!
While this kit is a little bit bigger(only 3/8" x 3/8") than the original Hex Switch, the installation has been drastically simplified.
You now only need an on/off switch with two wires to change the polarization of the LCD. Hex Switch v1 requires 6 wires just for the switch.
Nice Need to get that replacement headjack
I've got 5 pre-built grey DMGs with backlight and 1/8" prosound for sale for $80. The DMG with a green backlight has a 1/4" prosound for $90. If you want a different prosound just send me an email at justinthursday@gmail.com
I also have 5 Game Boy Pockets with backlights ready to go for $90 with 1/8" or internal prosound.
Green case/green backlight.
Yellow case/teal backlight.
Black case/purple backlight.
Red case/red backlight.
Blue case/orange backlight.
Pics of these soon.
Last edited by thursdaycustoms (Sep 19, 2013 1:30 am)
Question about your Arduinoboys housed inside of the NES controllers. Are they going to be a "regular" item in your lineup of products, as components and supplies are available, or are they going to be limited run until you create a new arduinoboy product?
Well, they're kind of limited. I make them in between commissions and I will likely be selling them exclusively on kitsch-bent.com or in person at events. I do take customs orders as a commission but that would be put in like with all the others and take about 4 weeks.
But to really answer your question... My Arduino Boys will likely always be housed in NES cases. I may switch to generic NES controllers so I'm not hacking originals as much. But I plan to make these as much as I can and for as long as they are selling well. The first one I put put on kitsch-bent.com sold in 4 minutes I think.. So in that way they are very limited!
Last edited by thursdaycustoms (Sep 19, 2013 1:27 am)
And just to add to your post and show people what I've been up to:
NES Style Arduino Boy:
* MIDI in/out
* powered via DMG link cable
* white status/mode LEDs
* all buttons maintain their original tactile feeling
* 'A' button acts as mode switch
* 7 modes
* link port for syncing additional Game Boy
Last edited by thursdaycustoms (Sep 19, 2013 1:34 am)
And just to add to your post and show people what I've been up to:
NES Style Arduino Boy:
* MIDI in/out
* powered via DMG link cable
* white status/mode LEDs
* all buttons maintain their original tactile feeling
* 'A' button acts as mode switch
* 7 modes
* link port for syncing additional Game Boy
That is the sickest thing ever...does this mean I'm going to have to camp out on kitschbent forever?
thursdaycustoms wrote:And just to add to your post and show people what I've been up to:
NES Style Arduino Boy:
* MIDI in/out
* powered via DMG link cable
* white status/mode LEDs
* all buttons maintain their original tactile feeling
* 'A' button acts as mode switch
* 7 modes
* link port for syncing additional Game BoyThat is the sickest thing ever...does this mean I'm going to have to camp out on kitschbent forever?
Thanks! That would be your best bet. I think he's puttin one up tonight. But he will likely put out a mailer when they're up.
Thanks! That would be your best bet. I think he's puttin one up tonight. But he will likely put out a mailer when they're up.
I'll keep a watchful eye and a ready credit card. Oh I also think I got a custom case from you a while back...it rocks! o(≧∇≦o)