Has anyone tried using an Omnichord in their mixes? Circuit-bent or otherwise? This is just for curiosity's sake, I feel. Thanks in advance!
I haven't yet.
I used to have an omnichord a few years back, got rid of it when I needed the money, but I miss it a lot.
I've been watching them on eBay for the past couple of months.
considering doing so actually, I have one that I got recently
Early fuck buttons have tons of chippy kinda sounds and omnichords. I got one with midi out and its really fun.
herr_prof ever run yours through chorus? Mine sounds amazing!
ovenrake has my old one. he's used it with stuff, its pretty sweet
there was an excellent live of ovenrake using one with a game boy
Here's me (with omnichord) and Cheap Dinosaurs
Circuit-bending an omnichord has been a bit of a forbidden curiousity to me. They sound beautiful as is, and there's plenty that can be done with post-fx. If anyone has some good evidence of a bent-omni, pleeeease let me see.
ovenrake, that's so rad!
I'll scour for an example of a bent one. I'm super curious
Sounds amazing. I have been trying to compose chiptunes with other instruments (E.Guitar/yamaha pss-460 keyboard), but seems I have a long way to go.
That's trippy. I want to see a circuit-bent Omnichord played with a theremin and a DMG. I'll get to it eventually if no one else does, ahaha
this sounds pretty rad at the 10 min mark
thats insane! there's always that rare exception of someone knowing exactly what they're doing.