rodrigoroman wrote:I was wondering...
Would you share with us what were used to produce such a marvelous treat tunes ?
the chip tone sound really big and nice.
I don't know that the software specifically makes a difference. As the title of the album implies, I DO NOT use the most authentic of methods. I wouldn't really even classify my music as chiptune, though many individuals in the scene have been incredibly welcoming and accepting of my silly little sounds.
I use a pastiche of methods depending on what I need. A lot of basic sounds are created in MAX/MSP because I like the hands on malleability that environment affords. It's not really necessary...just the way my mind works. A lot of the white noise stuff is created and molded in Amadeus Pro, though I've used a number of light weight external audio editors in the past. Once the sound design is done, things are usually sequenced in Reason. Again, it's mostly used as a sequencer, so it could really be anything. All of that is piped into logic where I do the arranging, editing, equing, etc. Any of the stereo imaging effects you hear are done in this, and if the percussion sounds created in the aforementioned applications don't pop enough, I'll often add distortion or compress etc.
I hope all the chip purists don't skewer me now. When I first started this project I was in a remote area and I didn't know anyone who did stuff like this. I was trying to recreate the idea of pieces I had heard using the technology I had at my fingertips. In the end, I tend to feel like the ideas and emotions behind music are much more important than the methods used, but I can certainly understand why people would disagree with me.