Hey everyone!
I really need to move some of these Game Boys!!! I've got a couple really neat projects lined up, but I just don't have the funds at the moment- please take a second to check out my builds if you're looking for a new DMG!
I've had these sweet arduinoBoys laying around for a while, but I can't for the life of me get them to work with the maxpat editor... I've had them sync with my keyboard, so I'm not sure what's up- But if you're interested in one, I'm sure we can get it working for whatever your needs may be!
Check 'Em out! They've got a Pitch mod, Prosound, V5 backlights, original speakers- everything you could want in a arduinoBoy!

› Internal RGArduinoBoy
‹ Internal RGArduinoBoy

I'm not going to lie, these are the coolest things I've ever built. I've got three of these- check the links below to check 'em out! (internally they're all the same, just the paint that's different!)
Each was marbled in paint, lightly sanded, and then clear coated- meaning the DMG's nice and smooth, while looking awesomely textured!
These are internal ArduinoBoys, with lots of other sweet stuff including:
- PitchMod (FERN no crash chips)
- Nonfinite V5 Backlights (With hidden pot. for adjusting power to it)
- RGB Status LEDs replacing the normal 'power' indicator!!!
- Internal ProSound
- Speaker (Triggered when no headphones are in)
- Orignal Nintendo warranty sticker!
Each comes with two interchangeable 2.5mm Jack to MIDI plugs, specially made to mach the DMG.
Check out this video for a demo!
Miracle Mile
$200 a piece- REDUCED FROM $300!! Shipped anywhere in the US,
I will ship internally, but I'll need you to pay the difference.
› Internal ArduinoBoy
‹ Internal ArduinoBoy
Also for sale are a few prototype Internal ArduinoBoy I was playing around with.

^This guy is near Identical to the RGArduinoBoys, but rather than have a single LED, it uses 6 hidden under the faceplate. Like it's cousins, it has:
- PitchMod (FERN no crash chips)
- Nonfinite V5 Backlights (With hidden pot. for adjusting power to it)
- RGB Status LEDs replacing the normal 'power' indicator!!!
- Internal ProSound
- Speaker (Triggered when no headphones are in)
- Orignal Nintendo warranty sticker!
Looking to get $200- REDUCED FROM $300 for the Panzer shipped anywhere in the US
I'll ship internationally, but I'll need you to pay the difference.
^ Same goes for this unpainted copy!
Looking for a cool, PitchBent pocket?! Look no further,
› WaveBoy
‹ WaveBoy

A Pocket unlike any other- This daring build combines Prosound, Pitchmod, and even a PS/2 port in a whole new platform! A Status LED can be found along side the PS/2 port- which is all internally wired, and ready to go! Plug and Play! Pitchmod cannot be toggled- as it is always on, but when held at a -45° angle, the gameboy will play in normal time! This dynamic means you can tune your gameboy much more easy- without the worry of a crash or accidental release! (also uses a FERN Custom circuit) Screen-wise, the inverted backlight provides a shockingly clear picture, even at the maximum and minimum clock speeds- perfect for LSDJ!
More Pics Here: http://imgur.com/7VUYnZa,rmvdCjJ,3TxPwhQ,4HowjHj#0 and here: http://imgur.com/a/bCPzl
Price: $75 - Will look at all trades!
I also have a ton of DMG shells, both painted and plain- click below for pics!
› DMG Shells
I've got a couple regular DMGs too,
› Working, Unmodified, DMGs
‹ Working, Unmodified, DMGs
$15 for the grey boys, $20 for the green! Each work, but there are lines on each screen...

I'd be more than happy to work out shipping if you're interested! I can ship internationally, although i'm in the US.
Thanks in advance!
And feel free to shoot me an email/PM if you have a custom build you'd like to see become a reality!
Last edited by DipSwitch (Oct 21, 2014 2:24 am)