For all FM synth fans we have free webspace for all your
- chiptune albums, modules, software or hardware projects.
We can provides you 50MB of free webspace.
And you will have very prominent domain name:
Best will be to have just normal HTML+CSS sites there.
When PHP than please only flatfile sites with no DBs.
Also we can provide you small 25MB webspace for chipmusicians but only when they
make also FMchiptunes (OPL2/3,SEGA YM2612 etc etc) not only PSG music.
Small sites for your albums, links to social network, blog, homepages links or discography, contact information, CVs etc etc.
Webspace is hosted on very high tech servers (professional webhosting company).
Contact me first & than send all ZIP files for upload here:
PS> We host only FM related stuff. Nothing else (no pixelart, no Gameboys, no C64 or NES)