

totally removes a users threads from the recent topics list
totally removes a users posts from within threads
totally removes posts that quote a user you ignored!

*new* ignore specific threads by thread ID number

// ==UserScript==
// @id   
// @name           cmo ignorator
// @version        1.1
// @namespace      
// @author         
// @description    
// @include*
// @run-at         document-end
// ==/UserScript==

/* put user names and thread ID numbers e.g. :
    var users = ["Puke_Flytalker", "Space_Cadet_Zhir", "sandneil"];
    var threads = [12663, 12674, 12581]; */
var users = [];
var threads = [];

function ignorate (elements,names,regex) {
    for (var e = 0; e < elements.length; e++) {
        for (var u = 0; u < names.length; u++) {
            var re = new RegExp(regex.replace("__NAME__", names[u]));
            if (re.test(elements[e].innerHTML)) {
                elements[e].style.display = "none"; }}}}
ignorate(document.getElementsByClassName("post"),users,'<li class="username">.*?>__NAME__</a></li>');
ignorate(document.getElementsByClassName("post"),users,'<div class="quotebox"><cite>__NAME__ wrote:</cite>');
ignorate(document.getElementsByClassName("main-item"),users,'<span class="item-starter">by <cite>__NAME__</cite>');
ignorate(document.getElementsByClassName("main-item"),threads,'<a href="');

sad neutral yikes smile big_smile wink achieve zen today wink big_smile smile yikes neutral sad

Last edited by sandneil (Nov 13, 2013 2:02 pm)


And no one ever replies to anyone else again.


1. whatever i do what i want
2. why not channel the energy you put into this script into music
3. haters gonna hate


Uhh Did Someone Just Post?

Riverside, CA
var users = [*]

Ok Im going to ask some philosophical questions about this because I am genuinely curious. (Although Im assuming you wont see me because im a preset)

but here it goes.

Do you often visit places where you actively want to ignore people who genuinely post a big chunk of the content? Wouldn't that be a little jarring to read threads that have parts missing from the conversation?

Danimal Cannon? Ilkae? Really? What do they ever do to anyone?

I totally get some of the people on the list, myself included. We are opinionated, sometimes we are wrong, sometimes we are dicks but having those two on your lists makes me wonder what it is you are trying to get from coming here. I understand the root of your desire to block people but coding an entire script just to imply HEY THESE PEOPLE ARE DICKS AND NEED TO STFU is kind of passive aggressive don't you think?

I don't agree with everyone but learning how to basically self filter people you don't want to see or read is an important part of internet citizenry, so perhaps this thread would be better if you just told people your feelings rather start trouble with people via source code.

ps: dnt post weekend etc


Well now I have to choose between ant1's script and this script, which one is better?

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Okay, some of the people on that list are occasionally a bit inflammatory, but what did BR1GHT PR1MATE ever do wrong?


lol, this llist is a pretty stupid one as no one on that list is a troll or anything... just people who have opinions (largely because they've been doing this stuff for years and have had time to develop strong opinions).. those same people are also often a good source of legitmately helpful info... like with herr_prof and myself on the list, you probably better hope you don't need help with piggy->midi stuff, since we use it more than just about anyone else.... though i guess you may never see this if you're using that script


i like you sandneil.
i hate you zan zan.

UK, Leicester

Having an ignore feature isn't a bad idea, I sure as hell wouldn't use it, but some will. I tend to think that a few to many people get way to pissed over shit that they read on the net, but if they really hate it with such a passion that they don't ever want to see it again, then fine. I don't hate any users of this site, sure there are a few that have pissed me off before, but y'know forgive and forget and all that jazz.

That said, 90% of the people that use this are going to be those people who are almost cancerous in their ignorance, and are only going to be blocking people for petty reasons, or just because they disagreed with something they said one time.

Boise, ID

I think he might just be using that list as an example. Probably didn't mean anything personal by it, all of the people on that list are generally respected and pretty nice around here. :I

Still tho, I don't really like the idea of it.


hahahhaa heart

Tacoma WA

well this is werid

Cambridge UK

Considering I post once every 3-6 months, I'm flattered by the infamy, especially since I share it with some of the best people and artists who visit this place. Quite the honour, really.

Cambridge UK

In reply to Herr_prof, we don't always see eye to eye, but I value his opinions and insight. In this case, he said it better than me.