I have tried just about every model of the Genesis looking for the best audio. I used the Crystal Clear Audio mod from tiido at first, then i switched to the unmodded model 3 which was a bit tighter and cleaner sounding (didn't matter that it was mono because i was using TFM - which didn't support panning). It's also possible to stereo mod the model 3... Recently, I bought a good High Definition Graphics model (from madgearstore) and did a full electrolytic capacitor replacement. I have to admit - there is a little more signal to noise ratio but overall the sound is much fuller. I remeber having a model one and loving playing it with my headphones on when i was like 12. There is definitely more bass and the thing doesn't sound computery or digital. That was basically my gripe with both the CCAM and the model 3. I might as well have been using a really accurate emulator. Both the model 2 and 3 have ASIC versions of the YM2612 which means you won't see the actual chips on the board and I think the sound suffers because of it. On the High Definition Graphics model one there is a dedicated YM2612 and for some reason the PSG master system chip sounds way better. If you're looking to replace the caps you will need:
7X 47uf 16v
13X 10uf 16v
6X 1uf 50v
9X 100uf 10v
4X 220uf 10v
When you replace the caps - the voltages do not matter so much... you just don't want to go down in volatge - up is fine. I bought a cap kit from Jameco but after reading about HIFI audio amplifiers I had another thought. Why not replace the caps in the audio section with some really hi-fi stuff: Like some Black Gate or Elna Silmic caps. After reading this article i think the problem with the audio output is not really the original schematic... its probably the horrible components the units shipped with. I know that from modding tons of Boss pedals they make a great product and overtime ship shittier and shittier parts inside to cut costs and make a more profit. A lot of the complaints with noise on the Genesis come from electrolytic capacitor drain over time so you start to hear unwanted AC noise, VDP noise, and general tone harshness. It's much more apparent on an FM machine than on the NES' 2A03 because those don't actually need an amplifier for line level on a mixer. The FM chips need really amazing amplifiers with very accurate capacitor filtering.
Last edited by animalstyle (Nov 17, 2013 4:01 am)