
Hi I'm new here, and seeking a bit of advice

I've been modding game boy pockets with back lights, and have been quite successful
i must have done about 15 of them now,

(i was installing the back lights which have a black and white wire coming from them.
I'm not sure what version they are.)

but i recently bought variant A back lights which are used with the DMG old school game boys

is there any way to install the variant A back light to a game boy pocket?

I've been searching the net high and low and cant find anything!

Thanks in advance

matt's mind

who made the backlight?  (where did you get it)

there is a bit of confusion sometimes based on the naming schemes being used.  V1, V2, V3, VA, VB, VC, this sort of thing


thanks for quick reply
I baught them from
These have 3 black wires and 1 red wire, making it possible to make different colour on the back light.
They also came with 150 resisters and 220 resister.

matt's mind

thats meeeeee!

they won't work in a pocket, they are a bit too thick,

you can try, but i don't think you'll have very much luck doing this.  i wouldn't try it.  if you've already gotten the screen prepped, anthony has some up in his shop here that would work: … 61fc775020


Ah thought it might be you with a name like that lol.
thank you for the link too.
I baught these because the wording on the website gave me the impression that it was possible.
But not to worry. Just out of interest , is it possible to wire Variant A and make it work for a game boy pocket ignoring the fact there too thick? (as in I don't mind if the case can't close once installed?)
I'm just not sure on where to solder it on the pocket game boy and whether or not I need the resistors soldered on too?  And would trying it damage any of them?

matt's mind

(pic from

here's the connections for ground/voltage

you can combine that info, with the stuff in the documentation on the kitsch-bent site, and should be able to sort it all out.  red gets the 220ohm resistor, blue and green get a 150ohm resistor.


Blue and green? I'm guessing the documentation explains? Because all I got is 3 black wires and 1 red.

matt's mind … b_ver1.pdf

page 12 wink


Ahh I've seen the light! brilliant that answered another question I had lol
Thank you very much
I will give it a go when I get chance and report my findings incase there's anyone else who's trying to cram a variant A back light into the extremely slim gbp
Thanks again I realy appreciate your time to find that info for me.

matt's mind

its my pleasure

dacgaron wrote:

(as in I don't mind if the case can't close once installed?)

You can always try wrapping electrical tape around it to keep it together.


I managed it, it can be done, to fit a variant A back light into a game boy pocket, it's very fiddly and I had to modify the housing a little.
I wouldnt have thought many people would want to try this mod so I won't go into detail of how I did it. But if any one does want help with it then I'll keep a watch on this thread. Cheers for every ones help