St. Charles, MO

If so, could you maybe do a quick tutorial video of just the basics and stuff. It seems really nice but I can't understand it no matter how hard I try! hmm

Taichung, Taiwan

Whatever documents you can find on it on the net is pretty much it.

St. Charles, MO

Hmm... okay!
Still, I'm kinda a visual learner tongue

Last edited by ShinigamiMachine (Dec 11, 2013 3:08 am)

Chicago IL

It was never finished

edit: (so a lot of people don't/can't use it)

Last edited by Saskrotch (Dec 11, 2013 3:10 am)

St. Charles, MO

I know it wasn't finished, but I love making music with lots of different programs big_smile


The last time I used it it, it was basically unusable.

Dallas, Texas

I tried using it, and it was very frustrating. The stuff I wanted to do was all broken or very temperamental. Looks nice with the UI but the core is fractured. It's a shame cause the FM and AM possibilities along with the sampling he was implementing looked boss as heck!

St. Charles, MO

Yeah I know right? Sucks he stopped making it sad

Taichung, Taiwan
katsumbhong wrote:

Whatever documents you can find on it on the net is pretty much it.