Hi Chipmusicians,
I've fiddled around with LSDJ for a few months, and occasionally I get a wonderful melody but other than that most of it just sounds off. But I do have a better grasp than when I first started. My friend has both Music Theory and Music Composition for Dummies, and I've recently loaned them from him for a while since he isn't using it. I'm also considering getting Hooktheory I off the IBookstore. But before I invest in the EBook, can I ask a few questions ? Is music theory and / or music composition necessary for learning LSDJ? I've seen the books, and they go really in depth. Do you guys have a website, EBook or book in mind that allows me just to learn the bare basics of whatever I need to know to start with LSDJ (Theory, composition, structure etc.)? I don't need to go for any theory exams and I probably won't in the future, so these books seems kinda advanced for me. Even though I have some basic experience in piano, it's zero theory. Thanks guys! Looking forward to Christmas!