AfroDjMac has spent a considerable amount of time on his latest sample pack for Ableton Live.
Link is here if you want to check it out! … -preorder/
I preo-ordered. I am excited to get busy with these. I love working inside Ableton Live.
Are the effects baked into the pack? Ive been looking for a good midines replacing sample pack, but the demos are a little too pan-y for my tastes.
Are the effects baked into the pack? Ive been looking for a good midines replacing sample pack, but the demos are a little too pan-y for my tastes.
I agree he did work a lot of phasing into the demos. The effects are not baked in. He has built this out extensively with tutorials and sample tracks, which you can edit or make your own straight from the library.
Are the effects baked into the pack? Ive been looking for a good midines replacing sample pack, but the demos are a little too pan-y for my tastes.
There are 150 different device racks. There's a group called "Plain Instruments" that has the basic waveforms (pulses, triangles, and noises) for the Nintendo and Gameboy. Those are great for anyone looking into making pure 8-bit sounds. The Nintendo ones were sampled from my MIDINES. Personally I use these racks a lot more often than the MIDINES. The rest of the instruments, in a group called "Tweaked Instruments" are much more complex and effect-ridden racks that are based off of the original waveforms.
A lot of what you hear in the demo songs are the tweaked instruments. The plain ones are there though, if you want to be a little more of a purist.
Thanks and I hope that helps!
The video made me that much more pumped to work with these racks. Thanks for all the time you put into them they look like they are going to be really fun to play with.
Brian - Did you grab the midines drum samples too?