Hi, just a major update on my forked OPL3 MIDI driver. Still no config utility yet but certainly a ton of changes.
* VGM Logging support (CC119=127 for ON, CC119=0 for OFF. Saves to %TEMP%\opl3vgmlog.vgm for now)
* Fixed intermittent 4-op -> 2x2op/2op voice stealing issues
* Fixed voice-stealing problems on patch change (MS's oldest-by-patch policy was flawed)
* Tweaked Attack/Release range
* Portamento (CC5/CC65) support for both poly and mono. Using EXP start-end time policy, and sustained pitch tracking. 100Hz update.
* Modulation wheel (CC1) support. LFO policy is per-voice except for mono legato which follows on previous voice until silence. 100Hz update.
* Experimental linear pitch envelope support (currently possible with drum patch map only; see 2x2patchtest.h) 100Hz update.
* Channel Volume = 0 non-zero velocity should still allocate a voice. (thanks DracoNihil)
* Changes to initialization code structure.
* Fixed project solution to spit out differentiating filenames depending on use for hardware or emu.
Win32 Binary: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/128
WinRT Binary: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/128
Git repo/source: https://bitbucket.org/djtubig-malicex/opl3-synth-driver
EDIT: this build is using khokh2001's OPL3 core, which has an EG retriggering bug. if this is an issue please let me know.
Also, give this a listen with this build. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/128
EDIT2: Testing repo build vgm log output: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/128
stest3.vgm (10 points if you can guess the game and song. bonus points for naming the source of either the lead, organ, or bass patch) CMI8738 output: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/128
More test tracks:
o2test.vgm Puyo Puyo 2 again. Only less lame 
tytest.vgm Sonic 3 Hydrocity Act 2
Last edited by dj.tuBIG./MaliceX (Jan 19, 2014 2:42 pm)