
Hey all, first time poster here and I need a bit of help. I'm currently working to install an RCA prosound mod in my DMG. I've seen modified DMGs with the jacks coming out the top of the case, but I can't figure out how to fit them there. My other idea was to remove the speaker and place the jacks in that space.

If anyone has experience with this mod, where did you put the jacks? Also, if I remove the speaker, what should I do with the wires, or how can I make sure everything will still work properly?

Many thanks in advance, I'm a bit stuck here.

Taichung, Taiwan

Top right on the front half of the case is where I usually put mine.

A lot of measuring/eyeballing before and during cutting/drilling. Test fitting before final installation.

Matthew Joseph Payne

Getting them in requires one of two things:

1) Sourcing parts very carefully, and measuring and drilling very carefully to make sure they will fit without contacting the circuit boards. Usually smart to include some electrical tape on the boards just to be sure.

2) cutting away a portion of the front board - sometimes relocating parts - to make room.

Taichung, Taiwan

To bounce off of kinetic,

If you drill the case and mount the RCAs in just the right spot, you won't have to cut the pcb, but that depends on the design of the specific RCAs themselves. It takes practice. If you have to shave the pcb, I recommend a rotary tool like a dremel with a sanding bit.

Wear eye protection and work in a well ventilated area.

Last edited by katsumbhong (Jan 9, 2014 1:07 am)