Clermont-Ferrand, France

I don't know, pure coincidence. Wait...

Btw, physical copies are now available ! You can order it now via the Bandcamp page !

I ship it all over the world, baby.

NC in the US of America

That is a lovely jacket.


Good stuff, I especially enjoyed the last two.

Clermont-Ferrand, France

Thanks guys !
The CD version of the EP is 3EUR + shipping, for anyone who might be interested.

I'd like to thank the few ones who ordered a CD, it's good to feel supported !
More generally, I want to thank everyone who has been encouraging me, giving CC, supporting my work, downloaded my EP, or just having nice words. Having some feedback (praising or CC) is essential when you spend a lot of time on something, and as a newcomer to this scene, I'm glad that some people noticed my work and found some interest to it.