thedimitry wrote:I looked at Kitsch's frontlight pic closer and thought that the contrast pot might not be all the way up on that GBC. It's located under the batteries compartment and is usually hidden by a sticker of the same colour as the shell. Adjusting it might make the screen sharper and easier to read.
Kitsch, in the tutorial the solder points seem to be the same as for the SP frontlight. Aren't those only 3V and unreliable? I remember they made the backlight flicker with the sound on a GBP (they share smiliar PCB elements with the GBC). Why not use the stable 5V from the cartridge connector? Just wondering. Thanks.
The solder points are reliable, as far as I can tell. I did a quick recording test comparing a GBC with a frontlight installed using those points (SP frontlight, not a Chinese clone or kitsch's product which should be here in the mail for a review soon) and I compared it to my Gameboy Light, which I use to record with and play live.
I use my GBC daily for playing Pokemon Crystal version, and the guts of this GBC have had a frontlight installed since... probably 3 years ago back when Bibin showed his face more, he was nice enough to talk to me about Sonic hacking stuff on IRC and walk me through some of the mod. You can see that the sound on a GBC with no prosound is comparable to a GB Light with the backlight on, prosound being used. Both Gameboys were recorded with their pots cranked all the way up, and I tried to record them as close to peaking in Audacity as possible.
What this hints at, in my opinion, that the power draw is pretty stable from the 3V line. Part of my other reasoning for this is that the battery indicator LED is always in tune with how quickly the batteries drain even with the light, and for me the screen has never ever flickered or popped or shown any lack of brightness. Very consistent piece of kit (the SP frontlight), cannot wait to try doing some Pokemon Crystal runs on kitsch's frontlights and see the difference. 
Last edited by MaxDolensky (Jan 20, 2014 4:45 am)