
I've been trying to build a custom NES cartridge but am stuck on the part where I burn my own ROM. I don't intend (presently) to make a habit of building custom cartridges so I don't want to invest in my own burner. Are there services (or users on this forum or elsewhere) who could burn chips for me?

(Needless to say, the ROMs I intend to burn are perfectly legal)

Chicago IL

I've got an eprom burner, although I've only used it for master system cartridges. But I could give it a shot if you get the chips to me.

kelso washington

If you REALLY want to get into custom carts, you should invest in a willem programmer. just as long as you have a printer port on your computer, you'll be good, not only will you be able to burn eproms, but the willem can burn other chips too. like ones for gameboy, n64, gameboy advanced, really any cart

Taichung, Taiwan

I have a guy here in San Diego that burns ROMs for NES carts on his spare time. PM me and I can get him in contact with you.