Tokyo, Japan

Just a couple of random question on the pocket Vblank, I was thinking about modifying it slightly in a couple of different ways.

1 - Rehousing

I assume in theory, it would be possible for me to make a little box and buy a couple of easily mountable switches and knobs and wire them to the relevant contacts on the PCB? Assuming it is possible, the 2 little red switches I would guess are momentary switches usually in the "on" position? (yeah I have virtually no idea about electronics). Also the twisty knob I guess is a potentiometer? What number potentiometer would I need? I THINK it says 5KD but I am not sure.

2 - Bending

Would it be possible to try bending the PVB as one would a NES? I assume probe the PCB looking for interesting wierdness?

Lastly, random question, was the visual aesthetic influenced at all by the Atari Video Music thing?

Middlesbrough, UK

dude...just email the fella. he knows what hes on about... i put it in a housing... just got in the way in the end.. was thinking about extending the POT and Switches to the outside with wires... but i couldnt find a encloser that justified coving that lovely chipset. Im lookin into ways of intergrating it into my Glitched NES... come up blank so far.