Just a couple of random question on the pocket Vblank, I was thinking about modifying it slightly in a couple of different ways.
1 - Rehousing
I assume in theory, it would be possible for me to make a little box and buy a couple of easily mountable switches and knobs and wire them to the relevant contacts on the PCB? Assuming it is possible, the 2 little red switches I would guess are momentary switches usually in the "on" position? (yeah I have virtually no idea about electronics). Also the twisty knob I guess is a potentiometer? What number potentiometer would I need? I THINK it says 5KD but I am not sure.
2 - Bending
Would it be possible to try bending the PVB as one would a NES? I assume probe the PCB looking for interesting wierdness?
Lastly, random question, was the visual aesthetic influenced at all by the Atari Video Music thing?