
An emulator for iOS called GBA4IOS 2.0 was recently released and supports Gameboy Color. I tried LSDJ and while it loads fine, it doesn't allow you to save. Instead of saying 'Save/Load' it says 'Reset Memory'.

The same rom works fine on another emulator called Gearboy. However that uses it's own savegame format which is not compatible with other emulators and real GB devices.

GBA4IOS does support the usual savegame format, but LSDJ doesn't work. I noticed the save file is 32kb. Is that too small for LSDJ?


Correct. Should be set to 128kb


Cool thank you for confirming. I'll contact the developer of GBA4iOS.


Also: LSDJ is a GB app, not a GBA app. You should check if the emulator supports gb/gbc roms, if not you should use the GOOMBA version of the rom with goomba.


It does support GBC as I mentioned in my first post ;-). I think the Goomba version for GBA has broken sample sounds right? The samples sound ok using the GBC version on this emulator, but just have the saving issue.

Last edited by Jono-60 (Feb 21, 2014 3:18 pm)


Its not broken, it just sounds crappy. Using the goomba version without the goomba emulator i THINK will just fix your save issue, the only problem being you will not be able to save more than one song, and have to create multiple versions of the rom for each of your songs.