I've been experimenting with LSDj for about 2 weeks. I've come up with a couple tracks and I would like opinions on the tracks and how to improve them! The tracks are available to stream here (https://soundcloud.com/jared-clark-smallwood) and for download here (http://bayfiles.net/file/17v1L/8xjzqF/M _Demos.zip) and on LSDSNG.com via (http://lsdsng.com/artist/mrindiej). Please be gentle with criticism, as I am very new to trackers and chiptune! :]
From what I've heard there, I say keep doing what you're doing. Maybe experiment with instruments and tables a little more, get some whazzy effects going to add a little emphasis to certain parts, but if you find less is more in that regard then really that's up to you, just personally I think it would make the songs a little more interesting.
Thank you! Any tutorials for that kind of stuff? Preferably text based.
could use some more kick drums i think
otherwise i don't have too much to add. you obviously understand basic chords and harmony and stuff, now you just need to put in the practice, experiment, RTFM (i wish i had done this in the beginning), try to understand what every function and parameter does, test out other people's patches etc. a mate showed me a couple of tricks and they helped me think a bit more abstractly about the software, after i spent way too much time dwelling on the basics. actually, he uploaded a really good beginners tutorial which you might find useful, depending on how much you already know:
I'll definitely check it out once I can! I've been kind of fumbling around, trying to figure it out on my own, and can't for the life of me understand how to make the bleeps and bloops that I hear from games... Any tutorials specifically aimed at game sounds? Oh, and thanks for the CC!:]
I'll definitely check it out once I can! I've been kind of fumbling around, trying to figure it out on my own, and can't for the life of me understand how to make the bleeps and bloops that I hear from games... Any tutorials specifically aimed at game sounds? Oh, and thanks for the CC!:]
I haven't updated in awhile but there's a lot there to get you started. Enjoy my sexy voice.
xD Alright! I'll try not to get too distracted!
Dont be afraid to use the hop command. kill is especially useful too.
P and V are my favorites.
Pitch Bend and Vibrate.
defiantsystem, your videos are great! I like that you've compiled some great guides and actually shown them played out! I've got a couple on my harddrive ready to watch when I get home! (I've got crap interwebz...)
I'm also gonna gonna take your advice bitjacker and DMGer and try to find some tuts on pitch bending and the kill commands!:]
Any good pitch bend tutorials?:0 I have two new tracks in the works, and I'd like to try it out on a certain part:]
you would have to use your ear to put this into 8 bit format... but it is a good song for it.
These are links that have helped me learn a lot about LSDJ so hopefully they help you too!
This will help you make some synths and is a great set of posts on LSDJ
If you haven't already you should read the manual, it's one of the best ways to get ideas to mix up your songs. Printing one out and just keeping it around will be useful for more or less your entire lsdj career.
http://www.littlesounddj.com/lsd/latest … _3_7_4.pdf
These are some tips from a real pro that will seriously increase your work flow.
http://sabrepulse.blogspot.com/2010/06/ … -tips.html
Kind of an weird tip but still one of the coolest lsdj videos I've seen
Thanks! I'm getting ready to release an EP as opposed to a Demo like last time... Hopefully I can get some more CC!:]
Last edited by MrIndieJ (Mar 25, 2014 4:02 am)