Madison, WI … p;cPath=10

Hey everybody.  If you're in the market for backlights, soldering irons, RCAs and the like, all Do It Yourself products in the shop are marked buy 2 get 1.  Grab 3 new V5s for only $30!

Seattle, WA

Jesus christ that's a bright backlight.

Detroit, MI

Do you have installation instructions for the V5's?

Taichung, Taiwan

I'm down.


Would it be possible to get 2 DMG v5s and 1 Pocket?  Also, could we order the v5 and then wait for the regular LCD to be back in stock instead of having to change the film?

Rochester, NY

right on, i've been meaning to pick up a new backlight (or three) since my old one kicked the bucket a while back. if we've installed a few backlights before the v5 should be pretty straight-forward, right? seconding that instruction request in case.

Bucks County, PA

Any way we could see the colors the V5 comes in? I'd love to get a few, but want to see my options!

Madison, WI

I'm glad to see continued interest in new tutorials!  The V4 and V5 installation process is similar, V5 actually removes a couple steps.  I'd be happy to put up a new tut.


New tut for V5 please!